Is there any one out there who can resist the tourist trap called Old Faithful? We certainly could not pass it up.

Poor Grace had to stay strapped into the jogger for our 4 mile walk around the geysers and pools. She loves to run, jump, and climb but in this part of Yellowstone she sat and watched and cried!
Crested Pool caused quite a scene with all of the little ones in our group. The older girls read a sign that stated Yellowstone National Park had added more safety features after a boy fell into this pool and sadly died from his injures. (Hence the jogger stroller in the above picture) The caution worked its wonders on all of the kiddos. Everyone stayed on the path!
Charlotte now too scared to even look at a geyser or pool thanks to the above mentioned sign.
For me the one memory I will never forget is this grizzly bear. I had never seen a grizzly in the wild until this one. This "little" guy found himself some delicious road kill and then dragged it down a hill to chow down. Yuck!
He performed beautifully for all of us and the other 100 tourists that had stopped by to click a photo. We watched as he ate, rolled around on his dinner (again, yuck), took a walk, and finally a swim.
The day we were leaving the park we came around a corner to find a bunch of forest rangers with their pepper spray out. Turns out this bear had found himself another yummy meal (road kill again) along the same road. Thanks to some lucky tourists this bear will not go hungry this winter!
The pictures are gorgeous. I want to go back there. It's been years. I'm laughing about the sign and the fear it struck into the kids. I need more of those in my life!
I love catching up on your blog but can't wait to catch up in person tomorrow morning!! It has been way too long!!
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