Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Night Before the First Day of School

I can remember that feeling.  The Christmas Eve can't sleep feeling, the night before a big birthday, a first date, or the night before the first day of school.  My kids have this.  All of them(except Grace) are having those nervous feelings.  "Will my teacher like me?  Will she be nice?  How much homework will I have tomorrow?  Will my friends be in my class?  And the final question for a girl house...What should I wear tomorrow?"  All of these were asked tonight or at least thought of.  So as I put my almost 5th grader back to bed around 10 for the 5th time tonight, my hope for her and the other girls is that their teacher does love them, that she will be nice, they will have no homework, and their friends will be in their class.  And what to wear... anything clean,  now please just go to bed!  

1 comment:

kara jayne said...

I LOVE IT!! I posted a poem of my mother's that says the exact same things!!