Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Some New Pictures from My Favorite Photographer!

After wasting precious time by posting some pictures on Facebook, I realized that I hadn't ever posted our photo shoot from last October.  Most of you know our photographer but if you don't leave me a comment and I'll send you her info.

Not too many pictures of Caroline.  Every year we have at least one of them that does not cooperate and ends up crying.  This year I was shocked when Caroline decided to express her inner feelings of photo shoots.  She was grumpy, grouchy, hungry and tired!  It did not help that she had gone to a slumber party the night before and had stayed up until 2:00am.  
Thank goodness we did get a few smiles out of all of those girls!


kara jayne said...

I've missed you over this little break!!! (and Max is REALLY missing Charlotte at school)

Good to see those bright shining faces smiling at me .

Kerri said...

LOVE all the pictures! Carolines is still my favorite! It makes me laugh every time I see it! :)

Lori said...

Caroline still hasn't changed a bit from when the girls were at patterson together. The pictures look great. Did you send out a christmas card? If you did I didn't receive one.

Shawni said...

Man that is a cute family!

Sarah said...

Great photos and beautiful family.

Erika said...

Ooh, such great pictures!!! What a beautiful family you have.