In a house full of girls, you can never tell who will be adding much drama to our daily lives. These two are on an upswing. Life is good.

Even this little munchkin is having more happy moments than sad. (Notice the decorated wall in the background. No wonder we can't sell our house!)

Someone in our household has been having a few "grizzly" moments. (don't think this is a grizzly bear but you get the idea)

Could it be this one? No, not Charlotte! Yes, this is the grizzly of our house. Here are a few of her favorite quotes from the last week.
"You are the meanest mommy in the whole world." (I surely can't be the meanest, can I?)
"You are breaking my feelings."
My personal favorite... "You are cracking my heart."
The best part about living in a house full of girls is tomorrow she will love me again, the worst part someone else will be feeling a little "grizzly".
Oh your post made me laugh! I love the words out of Charlotte's mouth ... so dramatic! Tomorrow will be a better day! :) Just for the record ... you are one amazing mom, but you already knew that!
Cute post! You gotta just love girls! You have some pretty dang cute ones!
Loved this post. And such cute girls. I have one and I can definitely relate to this post. Maybe I would call her a screeching monkey or something because her screams are something.
Claudia, your post put a smile on my face. Your girls are beautiful!
My little cub is starting to turn into a grizzly too! I'm beginning to see the drama in girls now that Campbell is 3.
Hope to see you soon!
Claudia I saw your family pictures on Shawni's blog. AWESOME!!!
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