Monday, September 1, 2008

I am not a photographer

No, I am not a photographer.  More like a wanna be one.  I don't know how to switch off of auto and I don't know a single thing about Photoshop.   Even after a $90 photography class I am still taking some pretty bad pictures.  But one day in Yellowstone I did take a photo that I think is worth mentioning.  I think the light was perfect, the backdrop gorgeous, and my subjects were the cutest dad/son duo.  So here she is.


Kerri said...

That is an amazing photo! We need to play around on our cameras together ... you could teach me a few things .... I don't have a clue what to do once I get off auto!

Nichole Barney said...

Claudia that is a great picture! I am impressed!

robin said...

Claudia, yes you are a photographer! Awesome pic