Saturday, September 27, 2008

Walk with the Dinosaurs but don't take any pictures!

Earlier this month we were given 4 tickets to see Walk with the Dinosaurs.  Isabel, Caroline, their adorable friend Jaida (the reason we had the tickets), and myself headed downtown to see this incredible show by the BBC.  Jaida's sweet grandmother had tickets and was not going to be able to use them.  She handed them off to us with only one stipulation, take Jaida.  That was easy since we all love that girl!  We could not pass up a wonderful opportunity to watch a stegosaurus swing its spiked tail, listen to a t-rex roar, or see two triceratops (I think those have been renamed to something else but I can't remember) fight it out for top dino.  

The only catch was they would not let me take in my camera!  Bummer!  If you get a chance check it out on youtube.  It's definitely worth a look!

Thanks again, Liz!  We all had a roaring time!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Something's Missing!

How did this happen?  She's only 5!  A couple of days after her 5th birthday Charlotte lost her first tooth.  Boy, was she pleased with herself.  I, on the other hand am a little sad.  I love those cute, adorable baby teeth.  The thumb sucking has really got to come to an end!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


What more can I say but Happy Birthday to my big 5 year old girl!  Yesterday she informed all of us that now that she is a "big" girl she is going to stop sucking her thumb and she is going to go down the slides at the gym pool.  Yesterday she did go down the slides.  Today when I asked her if she was going to stop sucking her thumb she told me maybe when she is six.  One out of two accomplishments isn't too bad!  Love you, Charlotte!

Monday, September 1, 2008

I am not a photographer

No, I am not a photographer.  More like a wanna be one.  I don't know how to switch off of auto and I don't know a single thing about Photoshop.   Even after a $90 photography class I am still taking some pretty bad pictures.  But one day in Yellowstone I did take a photo that I think is worth mentioning.  I think the light was perfect, the backdrop gorgeous, and my subjects were the cutest dad/son duo.  So here she is.